やっぱり、『ぼくの舌、味覚はイタリアで作られた』と息子が言うくらい、食を語るならイタリアは外せないです。私はローマで総計10年住み、息子はそのうち6年間多感な時期をローマの日本人学校とインターで勉強しました。この間、イタリア中はもちろん、色々な国を旅行しましたが、今回はローマをご紹介します。やっぱり私の鉄則は現地の食べ物はガイドブックを頼るより、現地の人に聞くことです。私の親友、ローマ人のエスターとは本当に美味しいものを食べ、イタリア語をはじめ、ワインや文化や料理、ファッションをたくさん学び、楽しい時間を一緒に過ごしました。これは2022年、コロナが終息に向かい、旅行できるようになった時ローマを訪れた時の写真です。海外の有名人も訪れるというお店ですが、全然気取ってないところがいいですよね。イタリアのどこのレストランへ行っても私の一つの楽しみはウエイターやウエイトレスとおしゃべりすること。エスプリの効いたジョークで笑わせてくれるんです。まじめ腐った料理の説明より私は好きです。今日は何が美味しい?と聞くとあれやこれや薦めてくれて、本当に楽しくみんな家族みたいに仕事してるんですよね。 それにしてもこのステーキ大きいよね。これが胃袋に入って、2週間の旅行を終える頃にはジーンズがキツくなっていました。 Of course, you can't miss Italy if you talk about food as much…
Blog #2: Salon de Keiko
Once upon a time, there was a place called La Maison in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. Philippe Laforge, after closing a club of the same name in Pakistan, moved to Kyrgyzstan and opened this French restaurant. My first visit was in May 2017, during early summer in Kyrgyzstan. Stepping in felt like entering a scene from Casablanca—a foreign atmosphere filled with French music, cuisine, and a gentle early summer breeze.
Quickly, it became my favorite spot on Earth. I frequented it with dear friends, hosting many dinners, Christmas celebrations, and birthday parties. I loved showing off the herb garden and chicken coop, where Philippe and his staff gathered eggs every morning, magically transforming them into Eggs Benedict!
Nancy, the mischievous Jack Russell terrier, roamed freely. She later became a mother, twice over, after an encounter with a street dog. Her son Max was a playful addition, delighting guests with his energetic antics.
Memories flood back—springtime scents from the garden, cozy evenings by the fireplace during freezing winters, and hot summer lunches paired with cider. Ah, those were the days!
I can’t recall exactly how or when Salon de Keiko emerged within La Maison. But to my surprise, Philippe organized a ribbon-cutting ceremony with my friends to mark its opening.
What does this have to do with the blog? Well, the name “Salon de Keiko” originated here. It’s where I gleaned insights into French cuisine, wine pairings, and the art of enjoying food. The marriage of bubbles or wine with delectable dishes, the delightful desserts—each a unique adventure, a celebration of love!
Philippe, a former manager of a Michelin-starred restaurant in France, is an adventurous soul in every sense. He even incorporated Japanese ingredients like Yuzu into his menu. And when my birthday coincided with the Covid crisis in 2020, he surprised me with a fireworks display, adding an extra thrill to the celebration.
I’ve cherished every moment at this place, savoring the delicious fare. Perhaps I’ll share more tales of La Maison and Salon de Keiko in future posts. (Photo of Nancy and Max provided by Philippe)
You can read my blog in my Facebook Group: Salon de Keiko (global conversation)