やっぱり、『ぼくの舌、味覚はイタリアで作られた』と息子が言うくらい、食を語るならイタリアは外せないです。私はローマで総計10年住み、息子はそのうち6年間多感な時期をローマの日本人学校とインターで勉強しました。この間、イタリア中はもちろん、色々な国を旅行しましたが、今回はローマをご紹介します。やっぱり私の鉄則は現地の食べ物はガイドブックを頼るより、現地の人に聞くことです。私の親友、ローマ人のエスターとは本当に美味しいものを食べ、イタリア語をはじめ、ワインや文化や料理、ファッションをたくさん学び、楽しい時間を一緒に過ごしました。これは2022年、コロナが終息に向かい、旅行できるようになった時ローマを訪れた時の写真です。海外の有名人も訪れるというお店ですが、全然気取ってないところがいいですよね。イタリアのどこのレストランへ行っても私の一つの楽しみはウエイターやウエイトレスとおしゃべりすること。エスプリの効いたジョークで笑わせてくれるんです。まじめ腐った料理の説明より私は好きです。今日は何が美味しい?と聞くとあれやこれや薦めてくれて、本当に楽しくみんな家族みたいに仕事してるんですよね。 それにしてもこのステーキ大きいよね。これが胃袋に入って、2週間の旅行を終える頃にはジーンズがキツくなっていました。 Of course, you can't miss Italy if you talk about food as much…
Blog #5 (Vegan in Bali)
Some inspiring quotes from the book:
“When I cook…..I just sprinkle and add stuff until I hear the spirit of my ancestors whisper, ‘That’s enough, child” -Unknown
“Animals are my friends. And I don’t eat my friends”- George Bernard Shaw
“Eating or preparing plant-based food is to cultivating the relationship to all life”- Sayuri Tanaka
“Fresh raw, living foods are not only nutritioninally dense, but contains higher vibrational energy & light, called”bio-photon” energy, that is, an electrical energy, or life force. If “we are what we eat”, what happens if we eat more of the light? Each one of us are hereto shine the unique gift of who you are – your authenticity.” – Sayuri Tanaka
There are many benefits of being a vegan, both for the individual and for the planet. Some of these benefits include:
1. Improved health: Studies have shown that a vegan diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It is also typically higher in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
2. Environmental sustainability: Animal agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. By avoiding animal products, vegans can reduce their carbon footprint and help protect the planet.
3. Animal welfare: Many people choose to be vegan because they are concerned about the treatment of animals raised for food. By avoiding animal products, vegans can reduce demand for animal agriculture and help reduce the suffering of animals.
4. Ethical considerations: Some people choose to be vegan for ethical reasons, believing that it is wrong to use animals for food or other purposes. By avoiding animal products, they can live in accordance with their values and principles.
Overall, being a vegan can have many benefits for both individuals and society as a whole. However, it’s important to ensure that a vegan diet is nutritionally balanced and provides all the necessary nutrients, especially vitamin B12, iron, and calcium.