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Blog #6 (Star Michlin- history)

日本でもお馴染みのレストランの格付け、ミシュランガイドの歴史が1900年に遡り、フランスのタイヤ会社が始めたものだとご存知の方はどのくらいいらっしゃいますか?タイヤ会社がドライバーに立ち寄った宿やレストランのクチコミなどを聞き、集めたものが確かなガイドとなり、三つ星を最高とする格付けが1931年から始まり、今はなんと30ヵ国以上に広がったというお話です。インドネシア、イタリアや日本で訪れたStar Michlinレストランのお料理、批評家になるには、最近色々と批判を浴びている理由などを書いていこうと思います。皆さんのご意見もお聞きできれば嬉しいです!では、まず歴史から。
The Michelin Guide is a prestigious guidebook that awards restaurants with up to three stars based on their culinary excellence, and it has a rich history dating back to the early 20th century.
In 1900, the Michelin tire company, based in France, published its first guidebook to help drivers find places to eat and sleep while on the road. The guidebook was a success, and in 1926 the company introduced a star rating system to highlight particularly exceptional restaurants.
Initially, the Michelin Guide only covered restaurants in France, but it gradually expanded to cover other countries and regions over the years. Today, the guide covers more than 30 countries and is considered one of the most influential restaurant guides in the world.
The three-star system was introduced in 1931, with the criteria for each star gradually becoming more stringent over the years. A one-star rating is awarded to restaurants that are considered very good, a two-star rating to those that are excellent, and a three-star rating to those that are exceptional and worth a special trip to visit.
The Michelin Guide has become a symbol of culinary excellence and prestige in the restaurant industry, with many chefs and restaurateurs striving to achieve the coveted three-star rating. However, it has also faced criticism for its high cost and perceived lack of diversity, as well as for the pressure it can put on chefs and restaurants to conform to a certain standar
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