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Blog #9 Nagoya, Japan


In my hometown, Nagoya, Shiratama is a long-established restaurant. I remember my father bringing me when I was little, but this is also a place where my friends from foreign countries would enjoy. It’s rude to say that the boss lady is about the same age as my father, but she always wears kimonos and has a nice back. His stories are very interesting, and his stories about tea ceremony and flower arrangements are very knowledgeable, and he has a very enjoyable sense of humor. Her family’s house was originally a toy shop, and after the war, she started the shop alone, saying that no one bought her toys, and everyone ate food every day. Cuisine has been thinking about a lot, embracing the seasons, and the accessories are beautiful and delicious, this is the world of art. The boiled pork that always comes out is very tender and tastes the same as old. Soup and barley rice are the same as the old days. Eat slickly, how is this for foreigners? This is from Dad’s 88th birthday party. On a special day, when your friends come to Nagoya, there were lots of topics that you would like to take with you, stories about history and culture bloom, and it was an introduction to a stylish shop.

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